The "#requires" statement
Most of us are familiar with #requires -version 2. Jeffrey Snover had written about versioning just before the release of a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Windows PowerShell v2.0. You start your script with
#requires -version 2
and PowerShell will check version #'s and produce a precise error message.
The "#requires" statement is not a new feature of PowerShell v2. It's with us from the PowerShell v1, but no one cared outside the PowerShell team. ;-)
Do you know that you can check for the presence of the other things too?
The "#requires" statement must be in one of the following formats:
"#requires -shellid <shellid>"
"#requires -version <major.minor>"
"#requires -pssnapin <pssnapinname>[-version <major.minor>]"
For example, you can check if quest.activeroles.admanagement snap-in is added to the current console. Put #requires -pssnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement in your script, and if the snap-in isn't added, you will get nice error message.
The script 'test.ps1' cannot be run because the following Windows PowerShell snap-ins that are specified
by its "#requires" statements are missing: quest.activeroles.admanagement.
By the way, is there any other reserved "comment" statement?
Thank's for the tip, that is way cleaner then how I was doing it. I knew about #requires, but I was unaware of the aditional parameters (-shellid -pssnapin).
Great post, thank you.
Understanding dependency management is crucial for software development.
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